Parents & Students


Regular and punctual attendance is essential. No student should be absent from school without permission in advance, except through illness. Attendance and punctuality information is recorded on reports and sent home at the end of each Term.

Reporting Students Absence

If students are unwell, parents are asked to call the School Office and leave a message, stating their name, their child’s name and class/section, the nature of the child’s illness and when he/she is expected to return.

When a student returns to school after illness, parents should authorize the absence by sending a signed application to the school. If they wish, parents can also send a signed note explaining their child’s absence to the class teacher.

If a student is away for three days, parents are asked to contact the school. If illness is likely to be long, work may be set for the student to complete at home, which can be collected from the School Office.

Students should meet the teacher to discuss work that has been missed for follow up actions in tutorial sessions on return to school.

Please note that absence may impact students’ learning and progress.


Wherever possible, medical appointments (doctor, dentist) should be made before or after school, or during school holidays.

Late Arrival

Students who arrive late (after 8.00 am) should report to the teacher on duty.

If a student is late for 3 consecutive days, he/she will not be allowed to enter the school premises. A meeting will be set with the parents and they will be informed through text message or phone call.

Holidays in Term Time

A maximum of five days’ absence is allowed for children to accompany their parents on an unavoidable holiday during term time, but only with the prior approval of the school. This approval will be subject to an otherwise strong record of attendance and punctuality. If a student’s attendance is below the average of 93% for the previous term, requests are likely to be refused. Similarly, if a student is late to school or lessons for 5% or more of the time, any holiday requests are likely to be refused regardless of overall attendance.

Please do not book holidays until permission is granted. Absence for holidays is undesirable because it severely disrupts the student’s programme of learning and assessment.

For all holidays, a formal application needs to be submitted to the School Office prior to proceeding on leave.