Parents & Students

Medical Assistance

A functional Medical Inspection room shall be operational within the campus manned by a qualified and experienced Medic/Nurse to render essential First Aid in case of a minor injury. However, for illness or injury the student(s) may be taken to close proximity medical hospitals.Parents/Caregivers will be informed and requested to come when required. Students with infectious diseases will be discouraged from attending school during the period of illness. School policies to provide care and attention are open to discussion in the case of children who require medical attention in school on a regular basis. Parents are required to provide necessary information in writing.

It is the responsibility of Parents and Caregivers to submit information regarding Allergies or other Medical Conditions of pupils to The Science School.

Kindly obtain the form and submit necessary health information at the school desk.

The school does not take responsibility to administer any medication .The school will provide First Aid, and if needed, take the student to the nearest Hospital.